Monday, February 11, 2013

The Dripping Method

When vaping on your electronic cigarette, there is an abundance of methods you can use. You can however split these into categories: Systems that use a filling material which soaks up e-liquid / uses its material to wick the e-liquid closer to the heat source Systems that use no filling material The drip method is a rather odd system, seeing as no one ever invented this – it came about by mistake, and it started as a system that used a filling material, but ended up being one without. When electronic cigarettes were first invented, they all used a somewhat similar system. The mouthpiece included with the e-cigarette contained filling material on the inside, and had airholes on the outer rim. When you put this mouthpiece into your atomizer, the filling material on the inside (which would be soaked in an e-liquid mixture of the manufacturer’s choosing) would force itself down over a “bridge” inside the atomizer. The e-liquid would then trickle down over the bridge, and onto the glow wire part of the atomizer itself, heating it up, producing vapor.

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