Chemistry…chemistry…chemistry. A life force, no doubt. When you have that attraction with someone it’s undeniable and potent – tequila straight up, swigging from the bottle. When you meet someone and feel that attraction, you’re like cruising in a fog. There have been times I’ve experienced it and I felt like I was floating almost. It’s not the run of the mill interest or attraction – it’s deeper, it is energy with its own velocity.
Chemistry Rules
Chemistry is a tough roommate. I mean, it charges in like it owns the joint. I’ve even had the experience of being very physically attracted to someone whose personality I didn’t even like. It was chemistry for sure because I couldn’t even stop being attracted to him even when I didn’t like “him”. Standing next to him was electric. Was he cute? Not wildly so. He was even 2 inches shorter than me!
Best prices for top cigarettes brands online. Fresh updated cigarette industry news.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Return Of Unisex Fragrances

Unisex fragrances definitely had their big moment in the 90's thanks to the iconic and incredibly sexy CK One. (It's so memorable that I still get high school flashbacks whenever I catch a whiff of it, don't you?) But with the exception of girls stealing their boyfriend's colognes, the perfume world has been pretty segregated lately.
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
8 Signs a Woman is Attracted to You
If you’re interested in learning how to know whether or not a woman is attracted to you, then listen up. In order to know whether or not a woman is attracted to you, you have to observe her body language. By keeping your eyes open, you can make note of certain signs that indicate that she’s attracted to you and flirting with you. So, what are these signals that women are sending? Well, let’s go over eight of them right now.
Flirting Indicator #1
She’s laughing with her friends and looking back at you. Women know that men are into to girls with a sense of humor. If you see a woman laughing with her friends and then quickly glancing at you, you’ll know that she’s trying to show off her sense of humor. By showing off this behavior she hopes you’ll pick up on her fun lifestyle and be more interested in her.
Flirting Indicator #2
She’s totally checking you out. Yea, women check out guys all the time. To test whether or not you’re being scoped out, check to see if she does what is known as a vertical scan. This is where she looks at your face, then move her eyes from your feet to your head. This flirting signal means she’s seen something attracted about you and wants to see more.
Flirting Indicator #3
She keeps on looking right at you. One way a woman will get you to approach her is to continually look right at you and maintain prolonged eye contact. She might even give you a nice flash of those pearly whites of hers (thats a smile). This is probably one of the most obvious signs you’ll ever receive from a woman.
Flirting Indicator #4
She tries to look her best for you. When a woman knows you’ve observered her, she’ll make a quick effort to look her best for you. She’ll do a quick preen of her hair and her clothes. These actions are often subconscious, though, as the woman might have no control over what she’s doing.
So, if you see any of these first 4 indications of flirting, be sure and approach her lest you regret it.
Moving on to the final 4 signals…
Flirting Indicator #5
She opens herself up to you. Now, once you’ve approached a woman you should try and detect a few signs of her flirting to see whether or not she wants you to kiss her and take things to the next level, or just get her number. When a woman displays an openess with her body language, that’s a classic sign of attraction. By open body language, I mean her arms will be spread and her wrists will be turned toward you.
Flirting Indicator #6
She’ll stroke herself. When a woman talking to herself touches her neck or her hair, thats a classic sign of interest. She may also touch her thigh. This is a personal favorite for many to see because when a woman is touching these areas, its usually because they’re thinking about what you could do to them.
Flirting Indicator #7
She’ll draw closer to you. Another great sign of flirting is when a woman draws closer to you during the conversation. She does this to show a desire to create more intimacy while you’re talking to her. Another trick is she’ll lower her voice so that you have to move in closer to her. When you see this, you’re receiving an incredible sign of attraction.
Flirting Indicator #8
She’ll scan your face, including your eyes and lips. This is a vital sign that shows that she wants you to kiss her. When a woman moves her eyes back and forth between your mouth and eyes, she’s showing a classic sign of flirting that indicates that she really wants you to kiss her. When you see this flirting indicator, act immediately and start kissing her! Once you do, you’ll be on the road to making things more intimate.
Women often send subtle signals to men that indicate attraction. When you take the time to look for flirting indicators you’ll find that she’s sending signs that she wants to get to know you more and make things progress. So pay more attention when interacting with women, and you’re sure to be amazed by the results!
Flirting Indicator #1
She’s laughing with her friends and looking back at you. Women know that men are into to girls with a sense of humor. If you see a woman laughing with her friends and then quickly glancing at you, you’ll know that she’s trying to show off her sense of humor. By showing off this behavior she hopes you’ll pick up on her fun lifestyle and be more interested in her.
Flirting Indicator #2
She’s totally checking you out. Yea, women check out guys all the time. To test whether or not you’re being scoped out, check to see if she does what is known as a vertical scan. This is where she looks at your face, then move her eyes from your feet to your head. This flirting signal means she’s seen something attracted about you and wants to see more.
Flirting Indicator #3
She keeps on looking right at you. One way a woman will get you to approach her is to continually look right at you and maintain prolonged eye contact. She might even give you a nice flash of those pearly whites of hers (thats a smile). This is probably one of the most obvious signs you’ll ever receive from a woman.
Flirting Indicator #4
She tries to look her best for you. When a woman knows you’ve observered her, she’ll make a quick effort to look her best for you. She’ll do a quick preen of her hair and her clothes. These actions are often subconscious, though, as the woman might have no control over what she’s doing.
So, if you see any of these first 4 indications of flirting, be sure and approach her lest you regret it.
Moving on to the final 4 signals…
Flirting Indicator #5
She opens herself up to you. Now, once you’ve approached a woman you should try and detect a few signs of her flirting to see whether or not she wants you to kiss her and take things to the next level, or just get her number. When a woman displays an openess with her body language, that’s a classic sign of attraction. By open body language, I mean her arms will be spread and her wrists will be turned toward you.
Flirting Indicator #6
She’ll stroke herself. When a woman talking to herself touches her neck or her hair, thats a classic sign of interest. She may also touch her thigh. This is a personal favorite for many to see because when a woman is touching these areas, its usually because they’re thinking about what you could do to them.
Flirting Indicator #7
She’ll draw closer to you. Another great sign of flirting is when a woman draws closer to you during the conversation. She does this to show a desire to create more intimacy while you’re talking to her. Another trick is she’ll lower her voice so that you have to move in closer to her. When you see this, you’re receiving an incredible sign of attraction.
Flirting Indicator #8
She’ll scan your face, including your eyes and lips. This is a vital sign that shows that she wants you to kiss her. When a woman moves her eyes back and forth between your mouth and eyes, she’s showing a classic sign of flirting that indicates that she really wants you to kiss her. When you see this flirting indicator, act immediately and start kissing her! Once you do, you’ll be on the road to making things more intimate.
Women often send subtle signals to men that indicate attraction. When you take the time to look for flirting indicators you’ll find that she’s sending signs that she wants to get to know you more and make things progress. So pay more attention when interacting with women, and you’re sure to be amazed by the results!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
World’s Most Expensive T-Shirts
T-shirts, so called due to their ‘T’ shape, were originally considered undergarments. Nowadays, of course, these ubiquitous shirts are commonly used to express the wearer’s taste in art or music, their political views or their fondness for bad jokes. While T-shirts are usually relatively cheap, sometimes they become collector’s items and enter the ranks of the most expensive T-shirts in the world.
(Via Vintage Vantage.)
Run-D.M.C. “My Adidas” T-shirt – up to $13,000
This T-shirt was produced as a promotional item for a Run-D.M.C. concert in the early 80s. Because of the rarity of 80s hip hop tees, especially Run-D.M.C. shirts, and the group’s legendary partnership with Adidas, this shirt has become something of a collector’s item. The back of the shirt features a joint Adidas/Run-D.M.C. “My Adidas” logo.
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.
John Lennon “Home” T-shirt – $16,400
This shirt was originally given to Lennon by Richard Ross, owner of the now-defunct Home restaurant, frequented by Lennon and Yoko Ono, in New York’s Upper East Side. He wore it for several shows and it became such an iconic part of his image that reproductions are available to this day, despite the restaurant’s closure.
Hanes/UNICEF 1996 Olympics T-shirt – $42,000
In the days leading up to the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, Hanes and UNICEF partnered up to raise funds for Olympic Aid-Atlanta, an organization dedicated to helping children in war torn countries, by auctioning T-shirts. The daily auctions raised nearly $1 million for the charitably organization and the highest bid came on the final day of the auctions.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why Are We So Fascinated by Celebrity Sex Scandals?

As much as I like to think I'm above such nonsense, I have to admit that a good celebrity scandal can really suck me in if I'm not careful. Much as I'd rather spend my days reading the novel of a master writer like Philip Roth, sometimes I can't help searching the Internet for the latest news of some high-profile couple who is going through a rough patch — like, most recently, Demi and Ashton. (Some tabloid magazine is reporting that he cheated on her with some young bimbo type.) I think I'm particularly interested in those two because the age difference fascinates me; being something of a cougar myself, I root for Demi, and hope their relationship will last, if only because it gives me hope that I will be able to find a hottie 15 years my junior even when I too am 47, like she is!
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.
But does that really explain my prurient interest? Why are we all so compelled by news about celebrity scandals? Why, as a writer for The Washington Post recently put it, has "scandal-watching has become our most vibrant national pastime"? Why have "whole industries ... grown up in the past decade to help us create, document and dissect the transgressions of the possibly rich and quasi-famous"?
In a new book called How to Become a Scandal: Adventures in Bad Behavior, cultural critic and professor Laura Kipnis hints that part of the reason we're so compelled by news about other people's personal failures is in part because we think, "That could've been me." Wanting to find out more about what makes us such rubberneckers — so interested in the car wrecks, literal and metaphorical, that befall people on the big screens, the small screens, and the Internet screens — I contacted Kipnis to ask her a few questions.
Why do we all enjoying reading about and discussing scandals so much?
It’s a chance to moralize. Public scandals are like purity rituals: We cast out the transgressor, then feel better about ourselves. There’s an element of sadomasochism as well; the people involved in any scandal invite punishment — and we provide it.
I see. So it's kind of like banishing the lepers. What elements make any given scandal especially juicy? What kinds of thing are we most likely to become obsessed about?
Scandals about people unable to properly manage their sex and emotional lives are the ones that really grab us. Situations that involve adultery, revenge, or losing it publicly get a lot of attention. And, of course, the higher the players are on the social ladder, the bigger the story.
Is the news media to blame for the frenzy? Or are they simply responding to a human desire for drama that we would find some way to feed, one way or the other, even if TMZ and Gawker and The Enquirer and all the rest didn't exist?
It's the classic co-dependency: You can't say the media invented scandal, as it goes back to the beginnings of the social order. But at the same time, we're the ones who are responsible; if we didn't pay attention, there'd be no scandal industry.
What's the biggest scandal of your lifetime?
The Clinton-and-Monica-Lewinsky scandal. It changed the course of national history and can be blamed (perhaps indirectly) for the outcome of the next election and the war in Iraq.
Folks, what do you think about all this? What's your opinion on why there is such an insatiable hunger for stories about famous people misbehaving? Do you care as much as everyone else seems to?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Open Your Heart To Love - A Powerful Dating Tip For Ladies
This is a simple and highly effective visualization technique that can assist you open your coronary heart to love and men. Sit in a snug position and shut your eyes. Turn out to be aware of your respiratory, slowly inhaling and exhaling to the depend of seven, for at the very least three to five cycles. Imagine a ravishing pink rose or other multi-petal flower in bud kind that resides in the heart of your heart. The petals are fresh and tightly certain, protecting the fragile center. Notice the inherent beauty of this bud and all the fabulous potential it contains.
Subsequent, give yourself permission to slowly and gently open that bud and your heart. In your thoughts, say these words, “I open my coronary heart to love. Could divine love stream by me, from me, and to me.” Bathe yourself in this movement of affection and really feel it wash over you. Then, slowly, visualize the petals of your bud unfolding. Think about them gracefully and tenderly unwinding, and loosening up bit by bit. The more the flower opens, the more your coronary heart opens, and the extra you are feeling the energy of love flowing all around.
Proceed visualizing till the bud transforms into a fully blossomed flower, petals spread huge facing the sun. See it and yourself with all your amazing interior beauty. Lastly, categorical gratitude for this profound experience of affection and your newly discovered openness. Once you feel complete, open your eyes returning to full consciousness to get pleasure from a love-stuffed day!
This exercise can take as little as one minute or as long as 30 minutes. Choose the timing that feels proper to you. In case you notice any hesitancy in opening the blossom absolutely, be happy to cease where you are snug after which visualize a little extra progress the next time you try the technique.
Observe this visualization in case you have any concerns or negativity about men or love. If you wish to find that genuine heart-connection with the best man, you may want an open heart. The extra you’re employed with the train, the extra you will move via your day in an open manner. Males will see you as protected to method and be more keen to start out a conversation. Open your heart and watch what a difference it makes in your love life.
Subsequent, give yourself permission to slowly and gently open that bud and your heart. In your thoughts, say these words, “I open my coronary heart to love. Could divine love stream by me, from me, and to me.” Bathe yourself in this movement of affection and really feel it wash over you. Then, slowly, visualize the petals of your bud unfolding. Think about them gracefully and tenderly unwinding, and loosening up bit by bit. The more the flower opens, the more your coronary heart opens, and the extra you are feeling the energy of love flowing all around.
Proceed visualizing till the bud transforms into a fully blossomed flower, petals spread huge facing the sun. See it and yourself with all your amazing interior beauty. Lastly, categorical gratitude for this profound experience of affection and your newly discovered openness. Once you feel complete, open your eyes returning to full consciousness to get pleasure from a love-stuffed day!
This exercise can take as little as one minute or as long as 30 minutes. Choose the timing that feels proper to you. In case you notice any hesitancy in opening the blossom absolutely, be happy to cease where you are snug after which visualize a little extra progress the next time you try the technique.
Observe this visualization in case you have any concerns or negativity about men or love. If you wish to find that genuine heart-connection with the best man, you may want an open heart. The extra you’re employed with the train, the extra you will move via your day in an open manner. Males will see you as protected to method and be more keen to start out a conversation. Open your heart and watch what a difference it makes in your love life.
Three Sided Love
A standard theme for a lot of romance novels is that they use characters being torn between two individuals at the similar time. A great instance to describe a love triangle would be the relationships between King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and first knight Sir Lancelot. Both males love Guinevere; her confused coronary heart loves both males back. In real life, we definitely don’t sit up for situations resembling this; it never makes for a happy or wholesome home. Nevertheless, in books readers crave excitement and unexpected twists. The love triangle is a device that provides pressure, causes drama, and provides spice to whatever different plots is perhaps present.
Let’s talk about some explanation why authors use ‘love triangles’ in a romance story.
Why have the characters compete towards each other for love?
Good romance stories usually use conflicts and overcoming obstacles to maintain their readers in suspense. Inserting a love triangle is an easy solution to complicate the relationship without sacrificing the romance. The indecision of the character in question might have your readers connect with the story and the occasions taking place. It’s much more than only a story when readers find themselves emotionally invested in the character’s selections and what’s going to happen to them because of those choices.
Why does someone develop into extra attractive once they’re unavailable?
For some purpose there are individuals who find others more fascinating or engaging when someone else is already taken. It could possibly be that the ‘chase’ is what they find most desirable. Folks want what they cannot have. They generally do not discover what has been underneath their eyes your entire time until another person factors it out. It is like when stock goes up, suddenly everyone needs a share. Since this typically occurs in reality, it appears natural when it occurs in story, making it easy for the readers to narrate to each side of the coin.
How do you resolve a ‘love triangle’?
If characters are concerned in a love triangle, clearly somebody’s feelings need to change. Your readers are going to desire a decision to the issues occurring. If the story stays the identical and you end the story with the character nonetheless unsure of who to decide on, then there is not any actual progression. You may’t build the readers expectations up and then by no means fulfill them with a proper conclusion. They won’t be happy with the outcome. As your story progresses, the readers could change their opinions about who they need the character to be with romantically. If you’re the writer and are unsure about how to resolve the triangle, then you could want to let the characters’ interactions lead you to the shock ending! We might not welcome indecision with regards to love in real life, nevertheless it’s straightforward to appreciate why we welcome them in stories.
Let’s talk about some explanation why authors use ‘love triangles’ in a romance story.
Why have the characters compete towards each other for love?
Good romance stories usually use conflicts and overcoming obstacles to maintain their readers in suspense. Inserting a love triangle is an easy solution to complicate the relationship without sacrificing the romance. The indecision of the character in question might have your readers connect with the story and the occasions taking place. It’s much more than only a story when readers find themselves emotionally invested in the character’s selections and what’s going to happen to them because of those choices.
Why does someone develop into extra attractive once they’re unavailable?
For some purpose there are individuals who find others more fascinating or engaging when someone else is already taken. It could possibly be that the ‘chase’ is what they find most desirable. Folks want what they cannot have. They generally do not discover what has been underneath their eyes your entire time until another person factors it out. It is like when stock goes up, suddenly everyone needs a share. Since this typically occurs in reality, it appears natural when it occurs in story, making it easy for the readers to narrate to each side of the coin.
How do you resolve a ‘love triangle’?
If characters are concerned in a love triangle, clearly somebody’s feelings need to change. Your readers are going to desire a decision to the issues occurring. If the story stays the identical and you end the story with the character nonetheless unsure of who to decide on, then there is not any actual progression. You may’t build the readers expectations up and then by no means fulfill them with a proper conclusion. They won’t be happy with the outcome. As your story progresses, the readers could change their opinions about who they need the character to be with romantically. If you’re the writer and are unsure about how to resolve the triangle, then you could want to let the characters’ interactions lead you to the shock ending! We might not welcome indecision with regards to love in real life, nevertheless it’s straightforward to appreciate why we welcome them in stories.
Monday, September 13, 2010
REISS introduces 'Elements' with Jamie Morgan
For the launch of the Autumn Winter Collection REISS has collaborated with renowned photographer and filmmaker, Jamie Morgan, to create an artistic short film that highlights the feel and aesthetic of the upcoming collection.
"This season is a step forward for Reiss with a collection we are really excited about. Showing our key products in this new and innovative way felt right for where we are going, as a way of capturing all the energy and excitement that is apparent throughout every aspect of our brand. And generally, if we're this excited about it, I'm confident that our customers will be too." - David Reiss
David Reiss understands what his brand DNA is about as he has been successfully making innovative decisions at the helm of the company for nearly 40 years. He recognized that choosing to shoot the campaign on video was a bold move and was confident that it was the right time for the brand to take this step.
The creative inspiration came as the result of an artistic collaboration with Jamie Morgan, renowned photographer and film maker who founded London's creative collective 'Buffalo' in the 1980's.
The 'Buffalo' collective changed the nature of image making through its pioneering work in The Face. His sense of exploration and creative instincts then brought him to explore moving images which translated into a series of short but beautifully emotive films as well as portrait and documentary studies.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Dating Advice

When it comes to conversation, sometimes less is more. People who speed-talk, interrogate, brag, blab the family secrets or don't allow you to have one single moment's peace of mind are control freaks. It's like they think that if they are not talking, that they don't somehow exist. It also makes you wonder if you are allowed to have a thought that is NOT about them.
Also, never get too sarcastic. One sure turn-off, for most dates, is the over-use of unsolicited sarcasm. A sarcastic type will tell you that sarcasm is actually a device that is used to charm or woo the opposite sex. That it is a form of humor or discourse that many find witty and entertaining. That it is a way to demonstrate superior intelligence, or your prodigious powers of clarity, precision and personal observation.
Sarcasm is an obvious defense mechanism that is used to mask or disguise something deeply twisted in the personality. Instead of being sarcastic, why don't you just wear a T-shirt that says "Needy, approval seeking and insecure." Most sarcasm sounds like criticism, and criticism (especially if it isn't asked for) is recognized nowadays as verbal abuse.
Never ever lie about your past. Let's face it. Not everyone comes with a clean resume when it comes to relationships. Almost everybody has big mistakes, embarrassments and down right tragedies in his or her past. The question is, how much do you tell your new partner and how much do you lie about it?
There are two schools of thought about this. I tend to lean on the side that says it is a big mistake to talk about your exes to the new amour. For one thing, it can arouse unnecessary jealousy. Take it from someone who has gone out with someone whose previous girlfriend was a supermodel. Believe me, you lie there wondering all night how you could possible compete with the past...
I believe that the less your partner knows about your sordid past the better, yet it is still a bad idea to lie to them if a certain subject that relates to your past comes up. The only possible exception to this rule is the "How many people have you slept with" question. If the number is over seventy and you are only twenty-five and female, it might be a good idea to subtract a few paramours.
"Never ever say I love you (unless you mean it)"
It is a cliche, but apparently playing "hard to get" actually works. It seems that the primal baby that is within all of us just can't stand being left out and ignored and will actually start seeking approval from those who seem to be withholding their affections. Both sexes are apparently turned off by displays of neediness and emotional security, so whatever you do don't reveal how lonely you are, don't reveal anything about your intentions and never ever beg for sex. And if you want to kill the potential relationship, completely, just utter these words "I love you" too soon into the relationship. As most women will tell you, it makes men run screaming for the hills.
Although most of us often feel compelled to be honest, it is not always the best approach when it comes to being a strategist in love. As twentieth-century wit Dorothy Parker said, "Spilling your guts is as ugly as it sounds...."
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Customs And Traditions In Relation To The Wedding Rings

Throughout the ages the wedding day has been the most special day for most of the people. On this vary day it is believed that the souls of two individuals becomes one. And as the symbol of this union the custom of exchange of rings between the bride and the groom is followed. The custom of exchange of rings both for marriage and betrothal seems to be quite old a tradition. This tradition has come through ages and is still in its height of popularity.
In the customs of most of the countries the wedding ring is worn on the left hand ring finger. It is believed that there is a vein that generates from this finger and goes straight to the heart. Thus the belief is that there is a direct connection of the heart to that finger. Though in actual reality there is no such vein in that finger according to the medical study. Therefore there is no binding that one should wear the wedding ring on that finger only. As in many countries the tradition already exists of wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger of the right had. Thus the finger on which you wear the wedding ring does not matter so much.
According to the tradition of Britain it is the duty of the best man to keep track of the wedding rings of the bride and the groom and they are the one who present the ring at the symbolic moment of the exchange of the wedding rings. Sometimes in case of elaborate weddings it is the custom that a young boy from the family of the bride or groom may assist the bride or the groom as the ring bearer. Thus it is seen that the tradition in relation to the exchange of the wedding rings differs in different cultures and customs. But the fact is that the custom of exchange of rings remains almost the same in almost every customs.
In case of the style and the material of the wedding rings there are also the differences n different traditions. However, in the most common cases it is the gold that is the most preferred material for the wedding rings. It is often seen that women generally wear narrow bands while men have broader bands.
As for the style of the wedding rings in France and French speaking countries there is common patter of the ring of three interwoven rings are considered as the wedding ring. These three rings stands for the Christian virtues of faith, hope and love. As in Greek a kind of puzzle rings are offered to the bride as a test of the women. This is kind of set of interlocking metal bands which the women have to arrange in such an order so that they form a single ring. In some parts of Europe and North America a custom is followed by the women of wearing two rings on the same finger one of which is the engagement ring and the other the wedding band.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Alexandra Burke is is her new sexy video with male dancers

Sexy songstress: Alexandra Burke, wearing a black lacy leotard and black tights, is in her element as she shoots her new video Start Without You with a host of male dancers
As one of the hottest young pop stars in the UK, Alexandra Burke is no stranger to male attention.
So it was no surprise to see the 21-year-old singer appeared to be in her element as she cavorted with a group of male dancers in the video for her new single Start Without You.
Wearing a series of sexy black outfits, including a lacy leotard and black tights, as well as a sheer bodysuit over black underwear, Alexandra is seen performing a raunchy dance routine with the dancers.
Start Without You is produced by renowned producer RedOne, who has been described as the man behind Lady Gaga's unique musical sound.
It's the fourth single to be taken from her 2009 album Overcome and is the latest in a string of successes for X Factor winner Alexandra.
As well as performing at music events including T4 On The Beach and Leeds Party In The Park, Alexandra is planning to go on tour next year.
Svelte: Alexandra shows off her figure in a lace bodysuit over black underwear
She told Digital Spy website: 'I have major ideas for it and I want it to be the most incredible thing known to man, but it's going to take a lot of work.
'Mark my words, next year will be the year for touring.'
Meanwhile, Alexandra has spoken about how she maintains her toned but curvy figure.
The singer, who dropped three dress sizes between auditioning for The X Factor in 2005 and the second time around in 2008, said: 'I love that power legs are back in.
'I'm all for curves. Ladies, never be afraid of curves - they're beautiful.'
Speaking about how she ensures her legs stay slim and toned, Alexandra added to Look magazine: 'I run and do lunges.
'I've got a gym at home and do interval training on the treadmill. I also do lots of dancing in rehearsals.
'I eat everything in moderation but I've not eaten any dairy since The X Factor because it clogs up my throat.
'I'm used to soya milk, but I can't eat chocolate which is terrible!'
Alexandra also revealed that she is trying to tone things down because she can become addicted to work.
In addition to performing at countless festivals throughout the summer, Alexandra tweeted fans recently: 'I love my team... I need to be back on that stage. Bring on tomorrow.. Yes yes and YES!!!!'
She said: 'I'd work myself to my grave. I find it hard to have down time but over the last year I've taught myself to relax.
'A year ago, on a day off, I'd be itching to work because I didn't feel comfortable being home alone.
'Now I can be at home in my pyjamas watching television without ever feeling guilty.'
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Why Are We So Self-Critical?

"I just feel so embarrassed. Why on earth did I take this job in the first place? What a failure." As she uttered these words, my friend's typically upbeat tone sounded pained and dejected. Her typically animated eyes were fixed dazedly on the floor. Getting laid off by a boss is tough, but what she was doing to herself seemed to me much tougher.
After all, my friend hadn't done a bad job. She had only been working for the company for a couple of months, and she hadn't planned to stay much longer. It wasn't her fault the firm had to downsize, or that the most recently hired employees were the first to be let go. She even had another opportunity waiting for her. So why the barrage of self-attacks?
During the recent economic downturn what struck me most about clients and friends who'd lost their jobs wasn't that they were angry or concerned about their financial futures. Instead, as I sat down to ask them how they were, every one of them expressed similar feelings of humiliation, inadequacy and failure. When asked more specifically what they were telling themselves about being laid off, most of them launched into a diatribe of self-attacks: I'm worthless. This is so humiliating. Everyone will think less of me. I knew that I could never be successful. I'll never find another job. Who'd want to hire me?
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.
While losing one's job may seem like an isolated event that would induce self-criticism in even the most confident of people, it hardly takes a life-altering occurrence to bring on a person's self-attacks. Every one of us is familiar with that nagging inner critic that kicks us when we're down and doubts us when we're up.
We've witnessed this critic in friends who've just experienced a break-up and are saying things like: What's wrong with me? I'm unlovable. I'm destined to be alone. I'll never find someone who really cares about me.
We've seen it in ourselves just before a job interview: Don't mess this up. I'm going to be too nervous. I sound like an idiot. What are they thinking about me? They hated me.
And we've heard it during routine daily events from getting dressed in the morning: (Ugh, I'm so fat. I look tired. I'm never going to get everything done today.) to the moment we get into bed (I messed up my diet again - what a loser. I can't get anything right.)
No matter what we are attempting to accomplish, these negative attitudes are always there to hold us back or keep us from pursuing our goals. For example, it is much harder to get ourselves to a job interview when we are still attacking ourselves for losing our last job. In the same manner, it is much more difficult to lose weight when we are experiencing negative thoughts or "critical inner voices" enticing us to indulge, then beating us up for indulging. This pattern leads to even more distress and a desire to mute that pain with food. It is only at the times when we are best able to answer back to our "critical inner voices" that we truly allow ourselves to go after what we want. However, much of the time we remain unaware of these voices, and therefore we are not fully able to act against them.
For example, these self-critical thoughts may not always have a harsh nature to them. They may even seem soothing. Like an overindulgent parent, these voices may tell us to have that second piece of cake, to just relax and forget about the job interview or that we're just fine on our own. These thoughts, however, are just an enemy in disguise, luring us to take self-destructive actions, then punishing us for our mistakes.
Because of the voice's subtle and deceptive nature, learning to identify these negative thoughts is key in overcoming imagined limitations. In order to recognize self-attacks and understand how they play a role in our lives, it is helpful to think about where these attitudes may have originated. The ways we were treated and the labels we received as children can stay with us late into adulthood and impact us in every area of our lives. Unfortunately, the events that have the most lasting impact are often those that felt stressful or traumatic. Parents or caretakers who lost their tempers, teachers who ridiculed us or bullies who tormented us in school can all contribute to our negative attitudes toward ourselves and our critical inner voice as adults.
Even isolated moments of stress have a strong impact on children. Not only are human beings designed to react more to danger, but they also possess an instinct to remember the things that scared them so as to avoid them in the future. Thus, it is often at the moments when their parents or caretakers "lose it" that children are most deeply affected. Even parents who are typically nurturing and attuned to their children can hurt them with an angry outburst or a moment of frustration.
One of the most impactful influences on our internalized negative thoughts is our parents' attitudes toward themselves. The parent who calls him or herself stupid when he or she makes a mistake will often have a child who identifies with that attack and later thinks of him or herself as stupid. Just as parents' good traits positively influence their children's self-esteem, their negative traits and negative thoughts about themselves will contribute to a child's self-attacks.
As adults, it is not what happened to us as children that most affects us but how we made sense of what happened to us. Something as simple as a parent yelling at us to hurry up can contribute to a feeling that we are slow or a burden. Because children depend on their parents for survival, they may identify with their parents' points of view and internalize some of the negative thoughts directed toward them. Whether the child takes on these characteristics or rebels against them, they are still acting on an external point of view or critical inner voice.
Making sense out of our self-perceptions can mean having to face the things that hurt us as children. Yet, once we recognize this enemy inside, we can learn to separate from it and take on a more compassionate and realistic point of view. We can fully feel the pain of our childhood and make sense out of our stories. It is much easier to uncover who we really are and accomplish what we really want when we are aware of and combating this critical inner voice. On May 25, I will host the free Webinar "Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice" in which I will discuss the sources of self-destructive thinking and how we can identify and counter this inner critic.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Health Benefits of Red Wine

Can wine really improve our health and increase longevity? Scientists are beginning to say "Yes!" Supposing that the theory is true -- which wines give us the most bang for the buck?
Researchers have found that red wines rich in flavonoids are best for our health. Flavonoids are best known for their antioxidant qualities and help the body resist such maladies as allergens, viruses and carcinogens.
Red wines also contain anxioxidants, which help the body resist cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah and Pinot Noir contain the highest concentrations of antioxidants and flavonoids.
Other red wines such as Merlots and red zinfandels contain fewer flavonoids, but more than most white wines. So, the best bet for drinking wine for our health is to stick to the dryer red wines. Just because wine contains components that are central to good health doesn't give us a free rein to get plastered every night. Don't overdo it -- but adding a glass of wine to your daily diet can definitely make a difference to our health.
Paracelsus, the noted 16th-century Swiss physician wrote, "Wine is a food, a medicine and a poison - it's just a question of dose." As with almost any food or drink, wine consumed in large doses can be a detriment to our health.
Most health officials agree that one or two four-ounce glasses of wine per day can be beneficial to men, while women should limit their consumption to one four ounce serving per day.
Cardiovascular expert, Professor Roger Corder, has spent years studying the evidence of health benefits from red wine. In his new book, "The Wine Diet," he says he is convinced that most of us should include red wine in our every day lifestyle.
Corder discovered what he eventually labeled the "French Paradox." Specifically, he wondered why the French have a lower rate of heart disease despite the fact that their diet was extremely rich in fats. He concentrated his research on the southwest portion of France, where life expectancy seemed to be highest.
Professor Corder discovered that the region produces very tannic local wines, which contain the highest procyanidin (antioxidant) content of any wines, worldwide. This led him to further research on the amazing medical benefits of red wine.
While wine may not be man's ultimate elixir or fountain of youth, it certainly behooves us to consider adding a glass of wine or two to our daily diet - and raise a "toast" to our continued good health.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Jessica Alba Wraps Up Her Bikini Time and Heads Home to Shop

Jessica Alba was in her favorite floral top and Dr. Martens combination yesterday to grab a snack and shop with her daughter Honor in LA. The girls are in their home city again after a Memorial Day getaway in nearby Newport, where Jess showed off her hot bikini body during an afternoon of lounging poolside. Jessica and Cash also found a few hours to sneak away for an adults-only round of golf. Cash, Jessica, and Honor enjoyed family time as a trio, while closer to home their friends stayed busy with barbecues and beach parties.
Monday, August 2, 2010
One of the worst mistakes women make when putting on makeup, is using the wrong blush or using no blush at all. The first thing you want to think about when buying your blush is what kind is going to work for you. Powder blushes are by far the most popular, but even these come in several forms. You can get pressed blush, loose powder blush in shaker jars, or loose powder in a dispensing brush. Mineral blush is by far the best to use, as it contains natural minerals that are actually good for your skin. Powder blushes just blend better and have great staying power.
Next, you have to choose the right shade for your skin tone. The general rule of thumb is this: choose a color that matches the "apples" of your cheeks right after a workout. Or, bend over and let the blood flow to your head for a minute or two, and note where the color shows up on your face. Also, think about which color clothing choices are best for you. If you look good in peach, orange, or beige, a warm color blush will most likely be what you should choose. If your more flattering colors are bright pink, turquoise, or silver, a cooler color is probably going to look better on your skin.
When you are buying a blush brush, look for an angled contour brush so that you can apply your blush to the contours of your face. To apply, dab the blush on your brush, tap off the extra powder and smile as you look into the mirror. Apply using outward strokes across your "apples" and blend in to create a healthy, flushed look. Here's a tip: Using your Kabuki, swirl back over you entire face. This is just a great way to blend it all together for a finished look. Now, you are ready to go!
Next, you have to choose the right shade for your skin tone. The general rule of thumb is this: choose a color that matches the "apples" of your cheeks right after a workout. Or, bend over and let the blood flow to your head for a minute or two, and note where the color shows up on your face. Also, think about which color clothing choices are best for you. If you look good in peach, orange, or beige, a warm color blush will most likely be what you should choose. If your more flattering colors are bright pink, turquoise, or silver, a cooler color is probably going to look better on your skin.
When you are buying a blush brush, look for an angled contour brush so that you can apply your blush to the contours of your face. To apply, dab the blush on your brush, tap off the extra powder and smile as you look into the mirror. Apply using outward strokes across your "apples" and blend in to create a healthy, flushed look. Here's a tip: Using your Kabuki, swirl back over you entire face. This is just a great way to blend it all together for a finished look. Now, you are ready to go!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Looking for Love Online
Is the super-information highway still the road to nowhere when it comes to finding a life partner? Like most people, I used to think that the love-lorn who spent their long lonely hours hanging around in chat rooms, looking at message boards and peeling through thousands of so-called "love matches" on web personals were, well... losers.
Only really desperate, ugly people who were perhaps also emotionally sick would have to resort to using a computer to find the love of their life. And if you did find someone, he or she couldn't possibly be serious ... married, lonely or perhaps even a stalker.
In the past year, however, I have had to revise my opinion somewhat, lest I offend two of my best friends, who both have found husbands as a result of surfing the Internet. Also it seems lately, that everybody knows somebody who has found a marriage partner by resorting to, what still seems to me, to be a drastic and also somewhat risky measure.
I couldn't find any reliable statistics about this relatively new phenomenon, about how many people are finding true love this way or how long the marriages last, but at this point, I have to believe my own eyes. Maybe the internet isn't such a bad matchmaker...
Only really desperate, ugly people who were perhaps also emotionally sick would have to resort to using a computer to find the love of their life. And if you did find someone, he or she couldn't possibly be serious ... married, lonely or perhaps even a stalker.
In the past year, however, I have had to revise my opinion somewhat, lest I offend two of my best friends, who both have found husbands as a result of surfing the Internet. Also it seems lately, that everybody knows somebody who has found a marriage partner by resorting to, what still seems to me, to be a drastic and also somewhat risky measure.
I couldn't find any reliable statistics about this relatively new phenomenon, about how many people are finding true love this way or how long the marriages last, but at this point, I have to believe my own eyes. Maybe the internet isn't such a bad matchmaker...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Desperate for love and passion and romance
Some people resort to somewhat drastic measures when they are desperate for love.
They seek out love advice from friends who are in successful marriages. Or just long-term relationships. But some people focus in on one person they have a crush on and try anything to make that person return the feelings.
Here's a story of one such person names Louise.
Once upon a time, Louise had a crush on a guy named Mike. She and Mike were good friends, but Louise could tell there was something more there. However, she was always the one to initiate any contact between them. When they were together, it seemed as though Mike was constantly flirting with her. He always sent mixed messages, and she always made herself available to him. This went on (and off, and on) for ten years or so. But it was hard to ever call it true love.
Finally, she had to know what he was thinking, but she was to afraid to find out from him. So Louise went to a psychic and asked her to place a love spell on Mike. The psychic said she shouldn't do that because then she'd always know that Mike didn't love her on his own. Louise said she could live with that. Then the psychic agreed to it, professing that her love spells didn't always work, but she would try. And try she did. But, alas, it didn't work. Finally one day, Louise gave up on Mike.
Many years later, Louise found true love with someone else and lived happily ever after.
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The efforts of her husband to retain her love
Her new husband wrote her love poems to profess his love, and she never had to wonder how he felt. This was great because she felt the same way back. Still, whenever she saw Mike, she thought about his love letters and got that old rush of butterflies in her stomach even though she loved her husband dearly. Mike was, and always would be, Louise's unrequited love. Almost everyone has one of those. But she experienced the kind of love with her husband that made her glad things turned out the way they did.
Everyone is different and it can be a very long road to lasting happiness. Whether romance, to you, means you're writing love letter or something else, it takes work to keep one moving in the right direction and it takes a lot of strength to leave one behind when it does not meet your needs. There are always plenty of other people out there! Many of whom are just a love poem away.
They seek out love advice from friends who are in successful marriages. Or just long-term relationships. But some people focus in on one person they have a crush on and try anything to make that person return the feelings.
Here's a story of one such person names Louise.
Once upon a time, Louise had a crush on a guy named Mike. She and Mike were good friends, but Louise could tell there was something more there. However, she was always the one to initiate any contact between them. When they were together, it seemed as though Mike was constantly flirting with her. He always sent mixed messages, and she always made herself available to him. This went on (and off, and on) for ten years or so. But it was hard to ever call it true love.
Finally, she had to know what he was thinking, but she was to afraid to find out from him. So Louise went to a psychic and asked her to place a love spell on Mike. The psychic said she shouldn't do that because then she'd always know that Mike didn't love her on his own. Louise said she could live with that. Then the psychic agreed to it, professing that her love spells didn't always work, but she would try. And try she did. But, alas, it didn't work. Finally one day, Louise gave up on Mike.
Many years later, Louise found true love with someone else and lived happily ever after.
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.
The efforts of her husband to retain her love
Her new husband wrote her love poems to profess his love, and she never had to wonder how he felt. This was great because she felt the same way back. Still, whenever she saw Mike, she thought about his love letters and got that old rush of butterflies in her stomach even though she loved her husband dearly. Mike was, and always would be, Louise's unrequited love. Almost everyone has one of those. But she experienced the kind of love with her husband that made her glad things turned out the way they did.
Everyone is different and it can be a very long road to lasting happiness. Whether romance, to you, means you're writing love letter or something else, it takes work to keep one moving in the right direction and it takes a lot of strength to leave one behind when it does not meet your needs. There are always plenty of other people out there! Many of whom are just a love poem away.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Is Sex Before Marriage Wrong?
It proved something to me - did it?
I do not argue one way or the other about sex before marriage but how does Angela know you will regret it if you don't wait since she did wait. She may not regret waiting but that's different to saying you will regret a circumstance you have never been in.
—Guest John
whos really right
I dont think people should be quoting the bible, because unless they were alive all those years ago. they shouldnt say unless they lived in those times. My personal believes i think its ok to have sex before marriage cause then you can feel the wonders of pleasure, with the person you love the most. Nobody should be jugde by there choices.
—Guest restless
No, it is not wrong. But is it right? What is best depends. On you and your circumstances. Who will decide what is best for you to do? Either one of you, or both, or if you feel you can't manage that, a good advisor if you can find one. Any authority that is not adjusted to your specific needs is hardly to be recommended.
Don't Do What You Don't Want to Do
I just wanted to weigh in and say that no one should feel forced or obligated to have sex before, during, or after a marriage. Sex should be something you and your partner want to do together. And you should both have the desire for it. It is best when the two of you love and trust each other.
Gods design
God's design for sex is that it is fine to have sex out of wedlock, and with as many partners as is natural. Its clear that in some cases the woman will kill and eat her male partner after intercourse, or that either parent will abandon the children to fend for themselves. Doesn't God intend his design to be applied to all his creation. Look at his other creations where is the requirement for other creatures to get married before sex? We as humans seem to fall under different designs, with more restrictions and rules. Why are we singled out for more control under God's design? All the bible verses above speak only of respecting the union of marriage, that once you are betrothed you should respect the partner and keep your lustful thoughts under control. Respect the marriage bed, sure but where are the verses telling us that premarital sex is evil? The verse about seducing an unmarried virgin doesn't condemn the man, it simply commands he should marry her or pay a fee.
—Guest Tap
is sex before marriage wrong?
i just want to know if i am a bad christiant by having sex before mariage?in my case i realy dont want to do it ,but i have to because i need help from my boyfriend to pay my rent and my phone bill i am an imigrant without papers to works and my life is so hard,
—Guest alicia
What I think
The real question is: Is sex after marriage wrong?
—Guest Sodom Hussein
make up your own minds!
to guest sarah: 1 CALM DOWN! you don't bleed the first time u have sex, and if u didn't , good, ur not supposed too. There are A LOT of myths about these sorts of things, pls do some research! 2-Stop replying on god as ur defence, make up your own minds. sex is useful for many things, intimacy, boosting self esteem, revenge, getting off, love making, making babies etc. The act and the first act are special only by virtue that its the FIRST of something. Its not about love or commitment, you just need to care about the person and have them care about u right back. Life is short, there are PLENTY of fish in the sea, & statistically speaking, there are thousands of 'soul mates' for everyone. Saving yourself for one, that u have 50% chance of divorcing is just silly. Abstain if u want, but for a good reason, don't do it cause someone has always said it is wrong, how do YOU feel about it?! If u are with someone, u care about each other, and u want to express that, then there is no problem
—Guest Guest Bella
sex before marriage is totally wrong
marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled is the bible stand, so if done before marriage one has gone against what the bible stipulates
—Guest olusegun olakotan
it proved something to me
I asked the man I am dating, whom I absolutely love, if he would be willing to wait until marriage for sex with me, and without hesitation, he supported my decision (and he's not religious). He respects my religion, me, and my beliefs to trust that I made the request because it is what I want for us. Most other men, if you asked that of them, would leave you. We've learned more about each other because of breaking that barrier and truly learning that we support each other no matter what! Hearing him say he would wait WITH me made my heart flutter because it just showed how God blessed me with a good man who supports me! Wait! If you don't, you will regret it. God bless!
—Guest angela
I am a Christian, and I do beleive that waiting for sex until marriage is the best choice, but not only for religious purposes, but for your physical and mental health. On the other hand, I am very open to both sides. I do not look down on those who have had sex, and don't neccesarily glorify those who wait, but I can see the benefits of waiting. I know if your partner truly loves you you can wait, but what if you truly want to be with that person intimately? I do not beleive God will strike you down for it, but I do beleive he gave us this gift to present to the one we are meant to be with. But like my response title states, I am confused because I don't have a problem with either.
—Guest confused
God abhors it - It is a Sinful Act
The words of the scripture on this matter is clear and unequivocal. Christian, there is no room for you to compromise on this matter and use the standards of the world as a justification for engaging in such an act. Christian are in this world but not of the world. Noah and his family in the mist of all the sinful act of the world at that time was still able to maintain his purity to the lord. Paul writes to the Corinthian church in I Corinthians 6:12 that "everything is permissible.. - but not everything is beneficial". the body is not meant for sexual immorality and sex before marriage is a sexually immoral act. Your body is for the Lord. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do not base your judgment on what you feel is right or wrong because you are not your own for Christ is the lord of all lives. FLEE FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY.
—Guest Gyabeng Henry R..
Against Sex before Marriage
sex before marriage is wrong for one one it doesn't make your friend love you instead he will feel you've had it with several others,and most especially the marriage will not be built on a solid rock which is God because in his eyes is bad imagine a marriage where God's hand is not in it, though is not easy to be chaste but there are benefits. one God will be happy, and in the marriage there will be trust for each partner.
—Guest peace
—Guest david michael
I do not argue one way or the other about sex before marriage but how does Angela know you will regret it if you don't wait since she did wait. She may not regret waiting but that's different to saying you will regret a circumstance you have never been in.
—Guest John
whos really right
I dont think people should be quoting the bible, because unless they were alive all those years ago. they shouldnt say unless they lived in those times. My personal believes i think its ok to have sex before marriage cause then you can feel the wonders of pleasure, with the person you love the most. Nobody should be jugde by there choices.
—Guest restless
No, it is not wrong. But is it right? What is best depends. On you and your circumstances. Who will decide what is best for you to do? Either one of you, or both, or if you feel you can't manage that, a good advisor if you can find one. Any authority that is not adjusted to your specific needs is hardly to be recommended.
Don't Do What You Don't Want to Do
I just wanted to weigh in and say that no one should feel forced or obligated to have sex before, during, or after a marriage. Sex should be something you and your partner want to do together. And you should both have the desire for it. It is best when the two of you love and trust each other.
Gods design
God's design for sex is that it is fine to have sex out of wedlock, and with as many partners as is natural. Its clear that in some cases the woman will kill and eat her male partner after intercourse, or that either parent will abandon the children to fend for themselves. Doesn't God intend his design to be applied to all his creation. Look at his other creations where is the requirement for other creatures to get married before sex? We as humans seem to fall under different designs, with more restrictions and rules. Why are we singled out for more control under God's design? All the bible verses above speak only of respecting the union of marriage, that once you are betrothed you should respect the partner and keep your lustful thoughts under control. Respect the marriage bed, sure but where are the verses telling us that premarital sex is evil? The verse about seducing an unmarried virgin doesn't condemn the man, it simply commands he should marry her or pay a fee.
—Guest Tap
is sex before marriage wrong?
i just want to know if i am a bad christiant by having sex before mariage?in my case i realy dont want to do it ,but i have to because i need help from my boyfriend to pay my rent and my phone bill i am an imigrant without papers to works and my life is so hard,
—Guest alicia
What I think
The real question is: Is sex after marriage wrong?
—Guest Sodom Hussein
make up your own minds!
to guest sarah: 1 CALM DOWN! you don't bleed the first time u have sex, and if u didn't , good, ur not supposed too. There are A LOT of myths about these sorts of things, pls do some research! 2-Stop replying on god as ur defence, make up your own minds. sex is useful for many things, intimacy, boosting self esteem, revenge, getting off, love making, making babies etc. The act and the first act are special only by virtue that its the FIRST of something. Its not about love or commitment, you just need to care about the person and have them care about u right back. Life is short, there are PLENTY of fish in the sea, & statistically speaking, there are thousands of 'soul mates' for everyone. Saving yourself for one, that u have 50% chance of divorcing is just silly. Abstain if u want, but for a good reason, don't do it cause someone has always said it is wrong, how do YOU feel about it?! If u are with someone, u care about each other, and u want to express that, then there is no problem
—Guest Guest Bella
sex before marriage is totally wrong
marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled is the bible stand, so if done before marriage one has gone against what the bible stipulates
—Guest olusegun olakotan
it proved something to me
I asked the man I am dating, whom I absolutely love, if he would be willing to wait until marriage for sex with me, and without hesitation, he supported my decision (and he's not religious). He respects my religion, me, and my beliefs to trust that I made the request because it is what I want for us. Most other men, if you asked that of them, would leave you. We've learned more about each other because of breaking that barrier and truly learning that we support each other no matter what! Hearing him say he would wait WITH me made my heart flutter because it just showed how God blessed me with a good man who supports me! Wait! If you don't, you will regret it. God bless!
—Guest angela
I am a Christian, and I do beleive that waiting for sex until marriage is the best choice, but not only for religious purposes, but for your physical and mental health. On the other hand, I am very open to both sides. I do not look down on those who have had sex, and don't neccesarily glorify those who wait, but I can see the benefits of waiting. I know if your partner truly loves you you can wait, but what if you truly want to be with that person intimately? I do not beleive God will strike you down for it, but I do beleive he gave us this gift to present to the one we are meant to be with. But like my response title states, I am confused because I don't have a problem with either.
—Guest confused
God abhors it - It is a Sinful Act
The words of the scripture on this matter is clear and unequivocal. Christian, there is no room for you to compromise on this matter and use the standards of the world as a justification for engaging in such an act. Christian are in this world but not of the world. Noah and his family in the mist of all the sinful act of the world at that time was still able to maintain his purity to the lord. Paul writes to the Corinthian church in I Corinthians 6:12 that "everything is permissible.. - but not everything is beneficial". the body is not meant for sexual immorality and sex before marriage is a sexually immoral act. Your body is for the Lord. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do not base your judgment on what you feel is right or wrong because you are not your own for Christ is the lord of all lives. FLEE FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY.
—Guest Gyabeng Henry R..
Against Sex before Marriage
sex before marriage is wrong for one one it doesn't make your friend love you instead he will feel you've had it with several others,and most especially the marriage will not be built on a solid rock which is God because in his eyes is bad imagine a marriage where God's hand is not in it, though is not easy to be chaste but there are benefits. one God will be happy, and in the marriage there will be trust for each partner.
—Guest peace
—Guest david michael
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